So I was doing all that urban graffiti spray stuff (in my not so urban, never did any graffiti kind of way)
And then I saw THIS class. Urban Notebook with Dawn DeVries Sokol. Now, there is NO toxic spray paint on her supply list. She uses Liquitex sprays. Indoor stuff.
I mean, really.
But I was intrigued. Plus she promised binding. I have a thing right now- an uncontrollable urge to do binding. (I say uncontrollable since I have no desire to control my impulse).
I don't have any before pictures, because that would be some cardboard cereal boxes and the like.
Use your imagination.
Then, I made covers.
By accident. Because I'd already sprayed some cardboard for no apparent reason and when I saw her supply list I thought "Hey, I already have all of that". Do you see a theme here?
And here are some of my "pages"
Subtle, no?
And then.... I got to get out my japanese hole puncher. Which just tells you how good the day was.
And quick as a wink, I bound it up. Really. Pretty darn quick.
And I even used the new longstitch binding that I got from Diana Trout's class. See all the points of interest merging? SEE?
I love duct tape. Duck tape too.
So now have another, other journal. But I have a plan for this one.
Shhh.... I'm just not telling yet.
So there. That is MOSTLY where all the spray paint has let me. I am still in process on several of these, but now at least I feel more organized mentally.
The next step would be to work on my Creativity Queue. That would mean NOT starting any new projects, but just focussing on completing or making headway on what I have going (including, ahem, some that may not have made it on this spray marathon).
Anyone else interesting in playing with me? We could have a weekly check in. I belong to a knitting group (yes, I do something other than spray) and having to do show and share and have people see the progress really helps me focus. So I'm asking. Just wondering. Anyone else?
And no, yours would not need to involve spray paint.
Unless you really really want it to.