Here in this house we had Christmas.
Semi-little people got hats.
But before all that, on Christmas Eve SOMEBODY was sliding across the floor and got a 3" 'splinter' (a.k.a. chunk of wood) stuck in her foot and had to be taken to the emergency room to have it surgically removed (under anesthesia since two 1/2 inch chunks had been pried out only under great distress).
I'm not showing the foot, but I have pictures. This is the brave girl. So so so brave.
That was nine hours of bravery. Nine long hours.
But TODAY is a new day and today I got this.
That's me shouting with glee and joy and happiness and ooooooooo.... I can't waitness!
Mary Ann Moss referenced this book in an earlier class (Right now I'm taking Mary Ann Moss's "Ticket to Venice" class.) Recently I've realized that I want to learn more about binding. Today I sent the day beginning this book and as usual, the more I learn the more I realize I don't know.
I will say this, it's a really readable book. I can understand the stitch descriptions very well, which is important. I have skimmed quite a bit, but can tell I'll be going back over sections as they become relevant again and again. I like that. I like feeling like I have a wealth of information in a reference. I'm SO excited about this.
And because I only learn things as I work them out, I've taken one of my little prepped book projects and laid it out on my table.
Patty and her Pitcher are first up and honestly, she's thrilled. She's been hanging out in my room for a while now waiting her turn. I'd finally figured out which papers I wanted to use with her.
Keith Smith makes the point that the binding of each book should serve the purpose of the book - but I have to stop and think about that for a while.
When was the last time I thought about the purpose of what I was doing?
I actually think I like NOT thinking about the purpose of what I'm doing. But I get his point. I've heard this same idea from a friend who was taking pottery classes in Japan. She asked her teacher about making a bowl. Her teacher responded about asking what she would be using the bowl for - soup and if so what kind of soup?
The structure should support the purpose on all levels. Hopefully with elegance and beauty.
And then there's what I do. Impulse and ...