Things are coming together.
I've been wanting to do some hand stitching. I also want to deal with the mass of old t-shirts from my kids that I want to reinvent somehow. Some will obviously become quilts. But there are SO MANY. As I was sorting through yet another pile, I came across some old plain white t-shirts. My little boy loves a plain white shirt. In second grade, I think he wore one three out of five days. Silly boy. And when I think of his wonderful little second grade body in them, they just make me smile. The outgrown ones are stained (imagine!) so they can't go to the thrift store, so I'd just set them aside, as I do so much.
I decided to make a pair of fingerless gloves/arm warmers with one.
I've been drooling over Natalie Chanin's 'Alabama Studio Sewing + Design'. I promised myself when I bought the book on impulse (as opposed to all my other well thought-out and reasoned purchases) that I would not guilt myself by thinking I was actually going to make anything from this book. But then I made something from this book. Or inspired by the book. I didn't actually use her pattern, (because, seriously, how exact do they need to be?) but I used her stitch ideas.
I've never been much of a seamstress, but after years of watching Project Runway, I've become quite convinced of my subliminal learning ability. So I threw myself in, now that I have over 10 years experience (of watching the show).
I had SO much fun.
Because can you really ruin a stained white t-shirt?
I think I'm ready for that formal runway gown now, don't you?