I'm not the most organized person. Not my house. Not my brain. I'm full of intentions. Sometimes I see a space between my intentions and my actions that can be bridged.
Numero Uno journal is one of those moments.
I always MEAN to keep track of my projects. To note fabrics or yarn choices. And I do, but not in any way that is helpful or useful. Keeping yarn wrappers in the various drawers or piles really doesn't do much. And the part of my brain that knows that just ignores the part of my brain that wants to clean out.
I've just been amazed how this little spray painted hand made journal has let me staple, pin and glue all shorts of snippets into it and, well, if I do say so myself, still look charming. I could not be more pleased.
The ALTERNATE LIZ, the one who is another sort of person, does this collection and recording on a regular interval. I, on the other hand, work in fits and starts and very happily too because I think the ALTERNATE LIZ is a bit of a prig.
I wouldn't say so to her face, however, because I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings.
I do like a journal that is made to be bursting.