This week I've done a overview of my current journaling. All twelve or so of them.
But that's not all I'm doing.
Clearly, I haven't curbed my impulse to start new projects. However, in the vein of making my pathologies work for me, the foray into stuffed animals actually served a secret purpose. My overarching theme this year is to get my hoard of materials under control. And gathering all my "scrap" material together actually forced me along that line.
I pulled all sorts of bits and scraps and remnants from every corner of my house (literally, every corner - no kidding). I kept diving into closets and under piles and in corners because didn't I recently cut up t-shirts and keep the ribbing and seams (why?) and don't I have a basket of yarn snippets (why?) and what about the clothing remnants from my mother's sewing that I keep moving from pile to pile (why?). And the felted sweaters and the ribbons from packaging, and...
So I have collected and sorted and all while making little scrap animals.
LinkLove: Carla Sonheim Imaginary Creatures. Scrap Animals. Silliness. Need I say more?