I had plans. I have plans, but not the same plans.
The plan I had was about what I would post and, boy, were those good plans.
One of three journals I worked in, this ws the smallest and had foldouts. It was leftover strips from when I tore my paper to make other books.
The plan I have is to get on a plane tomorrow. So here's the lowdown skinny. My daughter, who was at a nearby boarding school (which means I saw her during the weekends, which is not nearly enough, not nearly) last year, and I will be traveling to Madrid tomorrow. We're there for a couple days of sights and sounds and then, BAM off to Salamanca we go, to study spanish and soak in the culture and take siestas.
I'm terribly terribly excited.
I had a blast with this binding. Super super easy and fun.
Except that we just got back from camp and a week of sketching and more sketching and just a little watercolor so I am unpacking and wanting to scan and trying to remember where I put the passports to keep them handy (it only took me three tries) and cleaning out the frig which somehow got unplugged (but luckily I'd cleaned it out a good bit knowing it wouldn't be seeing much action -for once on the right side of that kind of fiasco). So no scans and no big write ups, for now. But hopefully when we have arrived and have internet service and a little time (right after the siesta but before we go for our pramanade).
Boats and more boats. Little watercolor boats. The black dots are buoys, but I wish I'd left them out - I think they look like mistakes. I actually painted this upside down, which irks me.
So only these hints of what I've been up to.
I finally finally did a coptic stitch binding. Not sure how I feel about it but feeling very accomplished is a good thing, right?