I call them 4 square journals because - yup - they're about four inches square. I bound the first one made of envelopes.
But in the second one I cut up some old book pages, well, and envelopes. I've had envelopes on my mind I guess. Or maybe the pile I've been accumulating just tipped over onto the desk. Either way.
I decided to gesso the pages, something I don't usually do. I'm not so big on the gesso. Mostly because I don't really like the feel of my pen on a gessoed surface. But I sucked it up and did it anyway. I think that will encourage me to paint a little more, which I want to do.
I've put this together not in one big rush, which is my usual mode of new projects (at least before they get stalled and end up in my to-do pile), but in little bite size bursts.
I decided to use a similar kind of binding/spine for this journal.
I bought a bunch of pink and orange book cloth tape on close out. It's actually not very good - the adhesive is weak - but I'm using it anyway. I wrapped the tape around my end boards/covers which I've done before with thin journals. I wanted this to be sturdier, so I've added a thick cloth for the outside of the spine.
If you slop enough glue onto paper, it will - eventually- become flexible.
With enough glue. Eventually.
I did remember the freezer paper because the cloth was wet with glue (and so a little sticky). I layered the freezer paper on each and all sides of the book cloth/spine and put it under weights for a night. Or two. But it's dry now so no worries. And the freezer paper just peeled right off.