Today it rained, the first time in a long time. I loved it. I love love love sitting inside with the windows open and listening to the leaves and the splatter and being warm and dry and cozy and safe. Today I was VERY grateful not to be standing trying to change a tire or ... so, given the first conditions, I love the rain.
Even if it means I couldn't do any of this. I have been spraying the brains out of old food boxes. Cereal, crackers, pasta, they're not safe from me. All zombified now.
Since I had to stop my attack of debraining, I switched to inside work. Which for me today was play (tomorrow on the other hand....). Rest and play. Above is the Urban Sketchbook I made in Dawn DeVries Sokol's on-line class. She didn't have the spray paint, I added that because I was also Mary Ann Moss Stitch & Stencilfied at the time.
This is what it looks like inside. Subtle, no?
I haven't done anything to the cover yet. That can wait. But I started on the first 'page spread' although anything made of cardboard is hard to call a page. But it works.
I have too many art supplies (retail therapy during convalesces, but with the different journals I'm working in, I've been able to pull out a lot of stuff and experiment. Different pens, markers, paints, pastels, oils, crayons. I'm jumping around while things dry or I rest, and it's SO MUCH FUN! Plus when I'm awake at four in the morning and know I'm up for a while, it's great to have somethings so BOLD and outrageous. Outrageous for me, in any case. Plus I'm loving the freedom of cardboard and spray paint. Talk about un-precious materials. What's the worst I could do? Really. Tell me. I'll give it a try. Mostly I move on whim right now.
Like when this moon appeared. I wasn't looking for it, but there it was.