First, thank you Karen at MMSA, for the kind words about my little pamphlet journal scrap approach. It's mind blowing that it could inspire you to do anything, because I find your work so inspiring. Public gush, but if haven't (which you probably have) hike over to Mail Me Some Art or I am Rushmore and enjoy yourself.
I would say that the most satisfying part of these pamphlet journals is flipping through them afterward and seeing the flotsam and jetsam of my life woven together. Sometimes it even looks a little artistic. But mostly, it has meaning to ME, which is remarkable. Remarkable because I have taken a habit of squirreling away so much - what's the word - litter? junk? bits? and finally found a way to use some in a way that I find meaningful and let go of the rest. I still have lots and lots of paper ephemera, but less each time I sit down. I actually put things in the trash. Or recycling. Lots of recycling. It feels wonderful to let go and feel that I've still captured a feel of my days, of the nitty gritty of what my life is actually composed of.
Being able to incorporate that with some photos and some visual play is very liberating. I envy people who have been life long journal keepers because it has taken a long time to find a form that works for me. I'd tried written journals. I've tried photo albums. I'm glad I did what I did, but I never kept it up. So for now, this works and that's GREAt! I also realize that if it stops working, I can change what I do.
Some limits are real. Most of them are in my head.