Still sleeping like a hibernating sloth. A hibernating sloth who does carpool duty.
I have, however slowly, been working on this new journal with thicker paper. I got the signatures all put together and put holes in a couple signatures. Then...
My dog got interested in one of them while I did the car taxi thing. I would say he was feeling ignored, but I don't think he's that kind of dog. I think he's the kind of dog who just found something interesting and investigated it. He's a dog kind of dog.
My kids thought I was going to freak out, but funnily I had just set aside one signature because the journal was too thick (even before I started working in it). I have learned to respect the width of the journal. So I just repunched the signature and carried on.
Normally when I get to this point, I'm all gangbusters, but this binding has been interrupted by lots of naps. I don't know why I'm so sleepy, but luckily I can indulge myself. I also couldn't settle on the style of binding I wanted to do. I had couple contenders, but nothing felt just right.
As it happened, I combined a couple different patterns. I put chains on the outside. I enjoy doing that stitch. It reminds me of my embroidery days.
I put the two outside signatures in and then paused for a nap. I didn't reinforce the spine on this book because it seemed strong enough, which may have been a mistake. Because I have made journals that didn't get used right away, I'm taking this as a big experiment. I will get to see what works and what doesn't. That is actually part of the excitement for me.