I'll be done with my fourth notebook journal in a day or two. I've bound a fair number of journal books but only used two or three blank ones that I've made myself. I'm not counting travel journals, which are a different kettle of fish to me. Right now, I'm looking at my shelf, and nothing jumps out to me. So...
I'm slowly putting a new one together. I want to use heavier paper than I've done in the past, and I've collected a couple different 140lb weight watercolor sheets from close outs and sales that I think will work. I also bought some wall paper recently, which I've never used before...
I ordered it through the mail, so the texture was a little unexpected. I have no idea if that is normal wallpaper or funky extra special texture. It's been years since I used wallpaper on a wall.
I have some page construction to do before I finish my signatures. I don't want to rush into this (which is my usual style). I like being swept along by enthusiasm sometimes, but right now I want to think about how I am using or want to use this book. I want to be able to use wet media and not have a completely buckled page. I don't want bleed through. I don't want the pages to be too precious - which is why I like to use sale sheets - because I want to experiment and be sloppy and not have that backtalk in the back of my mind. It shouldn't matter, but ...
As slow as I'm going, I seem to need to go slower still. Slow but not stopped.