I don't do this a lot, but the other night I pulled up a photo from camp and decided to sketch it. I prefer sketching live (as opposed to dead? no, as opposed to from photos). I suppose because depth perception or light or something. But it was the middle of the night and bitter cold, so a photo it was.
For my first go around I used my neocolor II crayons to sketch the outline. I mostly use a micron pen, so I thought I'd give this a try. I don't take neocolors out with me since the time I tried and they melted in their plastic case. Mushy mushy. So I'd forgotten how much fun they are to paint over.
The second time I woke up I was in a bad mood, and decided to vent with watercolor pencils. I've never really tried that before, or if I have I don't remember. Well, I probably have, but that's my brain.
Anyway, the effect was more subtle. I had some slightly different paints, and didn't get the dark I wanted but still, it was fun.
I hadn't planned to do two versions, but I love that I can compare them. Of course, I'd have rather had a full night sleep, but I'll take what I can get.
Camp is all about foliage and grey wood, so I'll have to work on my choices before our trip this year, but as a midnight venture, I'm satisfied.